Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thirty Days of Thankful--Hut Hut Hike

In honor of my favorite holiday and the true sentiment behind it (I'm not just a fiend for turkey) I'm endeavoring to blog every day during the month of November and each entry will feature what I'm top of mind thankful for.

I have memories of my childhood watching the Sunday game with my Dad. The Purple Pride was in their hey-day and playing football outdoors.

Nowadays, I watch my football solo steeped in Sunday rest. I also watch fantasy football players perform or fail me--more failing me than performing this year... but at least the Vikes are on a streak. (Yay falls oh so very short)

I love this time of year and am thankful for the only major league sport I follow that punctuates it and thankful for the time it means with friends at draft parties ahead of the season and smack talk to start the last 16 weeks of the year.

1 comment:

Plante Consulting said...

Thirty days of Thankful and fulfilling NaBloPoMo. National Blog Post Month.

I for one am looking forward to 30 days of posts from you.