Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First ever online edition!

Someday. (sigh)

Some Christmas I will have it proofed perfectly and have it in your mailbox by December 23rd.

This was not that Christmas.

HOWEVER... this is the first year that I will publish an online copy of the Holiday Examiner--the holiday newsletter that launched the blog--for my web savvy nerds, my green tree-huggers, and any distant acquaintances who don't yet qualify a 42 cent stamp.

Peruse the .pdf courtesy of FreePDFHosting.com at your convenience and/or click through the album of featured photos online for higher quality pics courtesy of Picasa 3. What can I say, I'm closet geek. :)

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I FOUND YOU!!! Thanks for sending my issue of the superb Holiday Examiner. I look forward to receiving it each year, right along with the newest version of The Farmers Almanac.
I guess I'm going to have to backtrack through your year and catch all those "gems" that didn't make the mailer. (Thank you for considering me to be one of the loyal readers worth the 42 cents!) But... HEY!!! Now that I've found your blog, you can probably put that 42 cents toward your pumpkin fix. ;) Drop me a line sometime. Miss Y'all!! Kathy.