Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Maintenance

This is some comical marketing from our friends at Schick. The American commercial is quite subtle while the UK advert is a little more... er, um, shall we say obvious.

Considering my salty feud with Gillette this might be enough to turn me into a Schick girl.

Currently playing on American TV

The UK Version...

Wow. All I have to say is wow.


Amy Huth said...

Seriously KW...this is hilarious!!! Where did you find this? You're right...it was a pick-me up! They forgot to mention the benefits of no more T.Dots.

Plante Consulting said...

HOOT'N hilarious! The commercials and your title. I did see the AM commercial and did not put the connection together with the trimming topiary bushes until you said something. Sort-of sad how dim I am lately.

In the UK version my fave line is: "So all that's left for me to see is [two lips] on the mound..."

Bloody hilarious!

Joanna said...

dude...i understand now why you have been telling stories about this ad...super funny!