So lately I have been falling asleep during the Daily Show and waking up in the middle of the night to Time Life infomercials featuring their CD collections--most recently Monster Ballads and 70's Love Songs to be specific.
Half asleep I mumble "oh I love that song" but don't quite muster the wherewithal to write down the name of the song. It popped into my head as a random thought tonight after some wine and Chinese takeaway and I tickety tap tap tapped it into the Googler to see if I could find a list of the songs in the collection.
And indeed I did. So instead of three easy payments of $39.99 I was able to cherrypick the CD song list for my favorites and download only the ones I wanted from iTunes for one payment well under $39.99.
My advice to Time Life is once the infomercial is over... don't let me see all the songs. The gerries and bluehairs you are targeting have kids and grand kids with ipods; they are wise to this technology thing.