Is this title sexist? Yes.
Is this title accurate? Yes!
First off, let me say I love, Love, LOVED Mystery Science Theater 3000 and still do. Long since done and not to be found in syndication I miss it however it only ever nourished half of my witty, biting sarcastic appetite--the grade B movie loving inner nerd. I found a new and fantastic substitute tonight by accident for my girly side.
The show is called Whatever, Martha on FLN (Fine Living Network) and it is quite simply Alexis Stewart (Martha's daughter) and her sidekick Jennifer (who bears a shocking resemblance in look and style to my dear friend Kati Cunningham) and they basically just rip on Martha and her vignettes. They are merciless and seemingly unfiltered. And what really cracks me up is that Martha is an exec. producer on the show so she is "in on it" which relieves me of any guilt.
OMG... to marry up witty and cutting rips with one of my favorite topics; cooking, crafts, housekeeping and cooking--basically all things Martha--is just plain good TV.
But in all honesty...
Could one of my chicas and I do it better? Hell yes!