Friday, August 15, 2008

RETRO-ENTRY: Muddy in Madagascar

Editors note: Retro-entry is a term I am coining right now to account for time bound entries that I wrote either mentally or with actual pen and paper but were unable to post at the time.

Back-story: I composed this update to family and friends while in Madagascar but my update efforts were thwarted by connectivity issues. (two words: dial-up)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Greetings from the Big Red Island! Madagascar is nicknamed the Big Red Island after the red clay earth that seems to get everywhere.

After a long journey I landed safe and sound in Madagascar with my luggage. The team is great and gelling. It is actually quite a fun social experiment to watch people come together and observe how quickly they (correction: we) form our own short-hand of inside jokes.

The Malagasy people are very warm and welcoming. I am learning that the only thing worse than my French is my Malagache. I do try though.

I can’t type long as this French keyboard will be the death of me--you won't believe where they put the Q. Here are a few early highlights relevant to a number of my contributors:

  • Mom & Laura: The flowers and birds here are amazing. Poinsettias a story high, orchids abound and bird songs that are like music
  • Julie: Rice. Lots and lots of rice. This would be your rice heaven.
  • Sarah: I have been healthy so far and have not needed anything from my medication bag although I am so glad to have it and the second box of Wet Wipes.
  • Lance, Jason, Jen: There is a guy on the team who speaks WOW—much better that me actually (wouldn’t take much)—so I can indulge my inner geek as needed.
  • Kirk: The night-life/bar scene is sketchy above my risk tolerance but never fear, I am drinking the local brew exclusively. Three Horses Beer (THB on the street) is a nice light pilsner that comes in 65cl bottles which I affectionately, albeit incorrectly, refer to as 40’s.
  • Michele: Madagascar is rife with comic sans. So much so that I am convinced it is holding the country back.

I can’t recall a time when I have ever been this dirty; I spent the day in a trench laying six courses of brick foundation (alternating with my wingman Joanna). A shower and a THB are waiting for me at the hotel… along with some rice.

Having fun, wish you were here. Thanks for making the trip possible.